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Pipilo Fuscus
Zenaidura macioura
Carpodacus, niex, fron
Leutertpis nix,
Cart, aura,
Harporhynchus cuw,
Spinnis p, nix,
Borvux sinnatus.
Thryotous F, Fauds.
Pyrosphalus, nix
Lalprnites obsoletus.
Minnus polyglottos?
Ballpepla squamata,
Layonnes saya,
Lannius l, excufitoudis,
Zeuardura Macroura,

The road is very good all the way being feasible for carts. and the descent is not very steep. Pipilo Fuscus, First one was seen at 6800 ft. among the pinones.
Fenaidura macroura, seen at 6800 ft.
Veg_____. The vegatation chart gets very rafardly as one descents the T.W. slope line, no firs occur except on the n. slope immediately about the town. When the summit is reached at a arbit. of a little over 900 ft. a short distance this side of Encamacion the firs and