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Scardafella visa.  [check mark]
Melopelia leucoptera [check mark]
Phaniopepla nitens [check mark]
Polioptila caerulea [check mark]
Ceryle cafanisi [check mark]
Salpinctes obsoletus. [check mark]
Paleo spar. [check mark]
Bubo [check mark]
[Melaneyses?] [check mark]
Chelidon erythrogaster [check mark]

larger oaks have been left behind and very soon after leaving the summit the pines become smaller and very soon there are signs of a dry climate.  The droopleaved Pine & the small bones Pine do not extend far down the slope but No. 3939 extends from the top down to 7000 ft where it ends and Pinions commence.  Black Walnut and Basswood grow rather sparingly from 8000 down to 7500 ft. at which point the Cedar? No. 3937 becomes the principal tree.  below 7000 ft the Cedar graually becomes scarcer and givew way

Transcription Notes:
Malayenses is an eagle, but the MELAN is pretty clearly the beginning of the work (second from bottom of bird list).