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Peromyscus. The common oak-woods sp. found here have the habit occasionally noted elsewhere in mice of the same genius, i.e. They occasionally partly devour those caught in traps and make dumps on the mutilated carcass. At this locality a fragment of cotton which had accidentally fallen from my pocket was treated the same way.

Veg.-----. From Dolores Hidalgo at an alt. of about 6200 ft. to an alt. of about 8000 there is little change in the vegetation. The principal plants are the mezquites, Opuntias, Magueyes, Huisaches and other plants of the dry table land. At about 8000 the vegetation changes abruptly. Small oaks and Manzanita bushes are the principal plants from that point to the tops of the highest mts. Well up toward the top several other species of large plants are common, among them the Alder, Elder, MadroƱo, Thornapple, & Wildeberry.