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Birds of Plateados.

Colaptes cafer.
Spinus P. mix.
Corvus sin.
Falco sparverius.
Sturnella m. mix. 
Guiraca C. eurhyncha
Columba fasciata.
Dryobates villosus.
[[strikethrough]] Dryobates formicivorus [[/strikethrough]]
Silta C. mex.
Pipito fuscus.
Salpinctes obsoletus
Chelidon erythrogaster.
Catherpes mex.
Lanius l. excubit
Geoeaccyx affinis ?
Junco cinereus.
Ptiliogonys cin.

but frequently there is only one. They are apparently larger than those of small species of Dipodomys but not so large as those of Dipodomys spectabilis. One of the two specimens taken today lacked the usual white tip to tail. They were taken in traps baited with wheat.

Lepus. (cottontail) Shot among the oaks pretty well up toward the top of the highest ridge near here.

Sept 2.
Went up today to the top of the ridge near here with Dr. Rose and set out some

Transcription Notes:
bird names were researched for correctness. **I found errors in this transcriber's names for birds!! ***Corrected - *Guiraca C. eurhyncha = Guiraca caerulea eurhyncha - found online. A Blue grosbeak- central and south Mexico Pipilo fuscus - not Pipito. - correct now Silta C. mex.- this is correct now Salpinctes - this is correct now Cyanocitta - now correct