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Parus wollweberi.
Selophaga piela
Trochilus rufus
Basilinna leucotis.
Thryothorus (similar to T. bewickii bairdi.)
Sylvania pusilla.
Pipilo maculatus.
Melanerpes formicia
Scardafilla inca.
Xanthocephalus xan.
Dendrocyngna ? [[Dendrocygna]]
Harporhynchus [[cun.?]]
Contopus pertinax.
Aegialitis vocifera.

traps. Found the top of the ridge rather barren- no signs of Sigmodons or other mice that would be found living in the shelter thick bunches of grass. Veg. Pines of three sp. were noted by Dr. Rose well up toward the top. Oaks of sev. sp. Madroños and manzanilá is common also wild cherry. 

Sept. 3rd.

Go up again to the top of the ridge. Found the alt. to be 8650 ft. according to aneroid.
Lanius. One was seen today in the oak and pine woods at 8500 ft. altitude.

Transcription Notes:
All names checked. ** REOPENED!!! CHANGED A FEW, which were incorrect by the past reviewer who said all were correct.