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Peromyscus (l eared sp.)
Peromyscus (sm.-sp.)

Sta. Maria.
Pyrocephalus r. mex.
Pipilo fuscus.
Chelidon erythrogaster.
Lannius [[Lanius]] l. excubit
Chondestes grammacus.
Zenaidura macroura,
Harporhynchus curvirostris.
Salpinctes obsoletus.
Catherpes mexicanus.

Sept 5. Coloctan.
Return here today.
Sept. 6. 
Remain at Coloctan and prepare to leave tomorrow for BolaƱnos, Jalisco.
Sept. 7. Sta Maria, alt. 5400 Left Coloctan at a rather late hour and stopped on the road of a ranch after travelling about 30 min. over rather [[strikethrough]] und [[/strikethrough]] rolling country but by a usually good road.
Peromyscus, The large eared sp. from stone walls around fields.
Peromyscus, A rather

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to fix all the errors.