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La Barca,

Carpodacus mex. fron.
Ardea herodias.
Cathartes aura.
Ceryle. (a sp. apparently much larger than C. cabanisi.)
Quiscalus macrourus
Sturnella m. mex.
Pipilo fuscus.
Falco sparverius.
Melanerpes (a cactus sp.)
Harporhynchus curvirostris.
Pyrocephalus r. mex.
Mimus polyglottos.
Circus hudsonius.
Buteo borealis.
Tantalus loculator.
Black Ibis. 
Ajaja ajaja.

La Barca.

Sturnella m. mex.
Pipilo fuscus
Falco sparverius.
Baccharis (along streams)
Willows (along rivers)
Opuntias (sev. sp.)
Tree Ipomea.
Tules and flags along streams.
Taxodium macronatum along stream at La Capilla.

Nov 18.  La Barca
Return here today. 

Nov. 19
Spend a large share of the day trying to secure specimens of

Transcription Notes:
*REOPENED! Three errors. Carpodacus mex. fron. (frontalis?) Found this document very helpful for identifying some species names: Notes on the Ornithology of Southern Texas, 1878.