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Spermop. mac.
Geococcyx californianus
Quiscalus mac.
Carpodacus mex. fron.
Pipilo fuscus.
Scardafilla inca.
Carpodacus M. fron.
Chondestes grammacus.
Cathartes aura.

Gopher signs. Clean at Corrales or Cabrales the point where we stopped nearly two hrs. to rest. This is about 1/2 way from Fresnillo to Sauceda.
Nov 25. Valparaiso.
Leave Sauceda about 8:30 A.M. and arrive here about 12:30. Distance said to be seven leagues. The direction was S.W.
Road leads all they through a rolling piece of country. [[crossed out]]flanked by higher hills on whi[[crossed ot]]Veg. Mainly the same as that of yesterday. The country is pretty well covered with grass