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Sierra de Valparaiso
✓ Aimophila superciliosa (4953)
✓ Troglodytes
✓ Thryothorus b. bairdii? (4959)
✓ Pipilo fuscus.
✓ Cyrtonyx
✓ Dryobates (sm sp)) (4944)
✓ Vireo (4946)
✓ Cyanocitta (4947)
✓ Dryobates (white-bellied) (4949)
✓ Dendroica auduboni.
✓ Dendroica (4942)
✓ Contopus (4956)
✓ Sialia (4957)
✓ Cyrtonyx.

We move camp this morning to a place near the highest ridge of this part of the Sierra where I settle down for regular work.
Peromyscus -- Traps set along a little stream last night yielded specimens of the common long-eared species.
[[crossed out]]Veg. Pines are not so very conspicuous on the[[/crossed out]]
Veg. Pines and oaks are about equally divided in numbers on these mts. but most of the trees are rather small although it must be remembered that a great deal of timber has been cut off and carried away even as

Transcription Notes:
I'm pretty sure the two entries that I wasn't able to make out are the same word, but I have no clue what it could be. FIXED!