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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Pipilo fuscus
Heleodytes, 4962
Salpinctes obsoletus
Harporhynchus curv.
Capodocus m. fron.
Leandofela inca.
Quidcalus macrourus.
Chondestes grammacus.
Lanius l. excubit.
Sayomis saya.
Zenaidura macroura.
Hummer (broad-billed)
Pyrocephalus r. mex.
Trochilus rufus
Melospiza lincolnii
Cathartes aura.
Corvus sinnatus.
Geococcyx californianus
Falco sparverius

tips of
his horns sawed off and he caught and tossed two or three boys but did not appear to hurt them much. They finally succeeded by sheer force of numbers in getting hold of him by tail, horns and every other point of vantage and one or two tried riding him. The merry-go-round is kept going until a very late hour at night and the music that goes along with it mingled with the shouting and whistling of the natives makes a fearful din.
Dec. 9.

Transcription Notes:
LOTS!!! of mistakes on a "Reviewed" and "Completed" page. Almost every name had to be fixed. PLUS!!! Only half the list was transcribed. So I had to do all of them. Please check to see which Reviewer "Completed" this page. I reopened on Apr. 23rd about 12:20 a.m.