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Catherpes mex.
Tyrannus vociferous
Mimus polyglottos.
Colaptes cafer.
Dryobates scalaris.
Aegialitis vocifera.
Circus hudsonius.
Ardea herodias.
Marsh Wren. (4966)

The fiesta still continues and will last until Sunday.
I spent the afternoon setting traps up above Alotonilco [[Atotonilco]] setting traps.
Dec. 10.
Made a fair catch last night. Peromyscus from rocks and cliffs at 7000 ft.
Neotoma -- caught two specimens in mouse traps. They live along the cliffs or about rocks or along banks where they build piles of sticks in front of their burrows and make well worn runways which lead off for considerable distances in all