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Carpodacus mex fron.
Spinus p. mexicanus
Chondestes grammacus.
Pyrocephalus n. mex.
Salpinctes obsoletus.
Pipilo fuscus.

trip to Gulf coast at [[crossed out]]700[[/crossed out]] 7 A.M. I leave for Tula Hidalgo and have the entire day.

Dec. 20. Tula, Hidalgo
Arrived here at 4 A.M. Weather is clear and frosty. Spend some time today along the river here and about the cliffs near the town collecting land and freshwater shells. Of the former I found three species and of the later two -- one of which is a small bivalve.

Dec. 31st Pachuca, Hidalgo.
Climbed a hill near Tula this morning in company

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