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En route to Mexico.
Dec. 13-15,

Left Washington, D.C. at 11:15 A.M. by the B.+.O. R.R. for Mexico.  All day a drizzling rain fell and it was so cold that the water froze, forming a coating of ice on the branches of trees, fences and all exposed surfaces. The train was delayed and missed a connection at Cincinnati, so that much of the night was spent there waiting for another train.

Dec. 14 en route,
When I got up I found we were still at Cincinnati. We finally got away about 9:15 AM. and reached St.Louis at 6:25 P.M. The cold, drizzling rain continued to fall all day.

Dec. 15 en route,
The train was delayed about three hours last night by washouts. This morning when I got up we were nearing Russell, Arkansas. Very heavy rains occurred last night and this morning all the streams are out of their banks and in many places only the tops of fence posts project above the water.  It is much warmer today and a few of the trees still retain green leaves.  The country is low, fairly level,