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En route, Zacatecas.
Dec. 18.

were abundant.

Catharista atrata. Saw a flock of about 100 working on and flying about the carcass of a cow lying near the R.R. a short distance north of Spofford, Tx.

Cathartes aura. Several were seen flying, near Spofford. Apparently not so abundant as C. atrata. 

The "Administrator of the Aduana" at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, passed all my baggage without obliging me to open any, and the train started on south into Mexico at 4 P.M. 

Dec. 18. en route, Zacatecas, Zacatecas.
Alt. Zacatecas, 8000 ft.

When I got up this morning, the train was about 20 miles from Torreon where we soon arrived for breakfast.

Near Picardias, Barren rugged hills rise 1000 ft. or more, a short distance away, both on the east and on the west. 

Falco sparverius. Several were seen flying, along the R. R. today. 

At Jimulco. Barren, rugged hills rise 1000-1500 ft. about a mile away on the east side and about two miles away on the west side. On the bottom land along the river, crops of corn and cotton are raised.
Veg. The vegetation appeared to be about the 


same, from Torreon to a point a short distance north of Fresnillo, where the country becomes more grassy and at least some of the species appear to end. Perhaps this point may be near the extreme upper limit of the Lower Sonoran zone. Most of the species vary in size and abundance on different areas. 

Yucca. A rather short-leaved species was common nearly all along the way today. Near  Gutierrez they were larger and more abundant than elsewhere. 

Fouquiera [[Fouquieria]]. Common at last as far as Jimulco.

Covillea mexicana. Common from Torreon to a point a short distance north of Fresnillo where it appeared to end entirely.

Agave "lechugilla" [[lechuguilla]] Near Jimulco this, and a much larger Agave are abundant. Most of them were seen a short distance south of the town. 

Opuntia. A large, broad, flat-leaved species was common nearly all the way and did not end entirely along with Covillea mexicana, a short distance north of Fresnillo, Zac. Near Gutierrez the Opuntias were much larger and more abundant than elsewhere. 

The train reached Zacatecas about 7 P.M. and I found quarters at the "Hotel Zacatecano". The weather

Transcription Notes:
Fresnillo is in the Zacatecas state.