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Dec. 19.

is much warmer here than I expected to find it and there has been some rain. Frost occurs occasionally at night. My object in stopping at Zacatecas was to secure topotypes of Sigmodon fulviventer.

Dec. 19. Remain at Zacatecas.

Sigmodon fulviventer. My object in stopping here was to secure topotypes of this species. The collector of the type reported that the species is abundant in the barren pastures surrounding the city. Today was spent in searching for signs on the barren slopes of the hills in the vicinity of the city, but nothing very promising was found. Traps were set during the afternoon in the best looking places. 

Mines. Only one mine of importance is being worked near here and the town is very dull.
Almost all of the mines have been abandoned. The majority of the people seen in the streets belong to the lower class and look very ragged and dirty and thoroughly wretched.

Lepus (jack). A specimen which had been shot near Calera was bought in the market this morning.

Scardafella inca. Only seen in the parks and yards in the middle of the city. 

Quiscalus macrourus. Abundant in flocks among the houses in the city.

Dec. 19.

Catherpes mexicanus. Several were seen and heard on walls in the middle of the city. 

Sayornis saya. Rather common among the scanty vegetation on the Barrier hills. At least a half dozen were seen today

Carpodacus m. frontalis. Common among the trees in parks in the city.

Salpinctes obsoletus. Several were seen among the rocks on the barren hills near the city.

Harpochynchus curvirostris. Two were seen skulking about among some large Opuntias on a barren hillside.

Lanius. One was seen sitting on a telegraph wire and another was perched on the top of a thorny bush on a barren hillside.

Amphispiza bilineata. Two pairs were seen among the cactus and thorny bushes on a hillside.

Falco sparverius. One was seen flying above a steep slope in the hills.

Speotyte c. hypogaea. One flew off down a barren hillside from what appeared to be its burrow. It flew from a hole which entered the ground on a steep hillside. There was bird excrement scattered about near the entrance.

Transcription Notes:
[?]= unreadable not sure about the latin spelling for some species Filled in the missing species names.