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Spizella. Three or four were seen together among the cactuses on a barren hillside.
Baccharis. Common along the bottoms of nearly all the arroyos.

"Little Rubber Shrub" grows sparingly and to small size on the barren hills.

Goats. Have nearly finished devouring all the vegetation. Even the thorny shrubs are browsed close.

"Maguey de Pulque" today near the edge of town I came across a piece of level ground, covered with agave leaves which had been trimmed along the edges to get rid of the point and its thorns. They were spread out in double over-lapping rows with the hollow sides up and the points turned toward each other. An open space was left between the double rows to serve as a path thus:[[hand-drawn image of the Maguey de Pulque plant]]
The hollows were filled with water which is allowed to stand overnight, and on frosty mornings ice is gathered. Most of this ice is used for making "hiladas" or crude ice-cream which is sold by peddling it about the city.

6512. This is by far the most common shrub on the sterile hills surruonding its city and is probably a characteristic Upper Sonoran species.

Agave. (6511). Grows sparingly on the hills.

Dec 20–22.

Dec. 20, Remained at Zacatecas.

Calamospiza melanocorys. Several flocks containing at least 150 birds each, were seen amont the thorny vegetation on barren, rocky hillsides.

Dec. 21 Remained at Zacatecas.

Corvus sinuatus. A single bird was seen just before sunset, flying over a high hill.

Pipilo fuscus. Two were seen early this morning among some thick cactuses near the edge of town.

Heleodytes. Several were seen among the Opuntias and thorny bushes along an arroyo, south of the city.

Dec. 22 Remained at Zacatecas.

Sigmodon fulviventer. I have searched pretty thoroughly for several miles out in every direction from the city and have failed to find any signs of this mouse and have failed to catch any in numerous traps set during three nights in the most promising looking places. So have decided to leave this evening for Ocotlan.

Rainfall. The rainfall here is very light. Most of it comes during the months of June, July and August but showers may occasionally come later. The winter months are entirely dry. 

Thomomys. Signs were seen on a mesa