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vicinity of the mouth of the river Lerma where it enters the lake. The lake is silted up here and a sort of point of marshy land extends far out from the main shore, on either side of the river. Marshes of grass, tules and flags are abundant. The wind not being favorable we made slow progress but about sunset were near the mouth of the river, and the first ducks were sighted. Mr. Reece and I went after them in a small canoe and shot four - one Sprigtail and three Spoonbills. Late in the evening, we anchored a quarter of a mile or more from land in order to avoid the mosquitoes. 

Dec. 25, Lake Chapala
Most of the day was spent in the neighborhood of the mouth of the Lerma river and near the little village of La Palma on the south shore of the lake. We had fairly good duck shooting, considering our rather unwieldy canoe and the noise our canoe man made in poling us about. A number of species of ducks and other birds were noted. Large mixed flocks of ducks were seen among the tules and flags. Usually before we were within gunshot the birds took alarm and flew to some other part of the lake. There is so much room they do little circling and it is seldom that shots can be viewed of birds passing over.

Phalacrocorax  Near La Palma a nesting place was found, where perhaps 2000 birds were gathered, some of which were actually breeding. The nests were situated among the branches of a shrub or small tree which called "amezquiti" 6515 This plant grows abundantly over shallow areas along the lake shore. Usually it grows 6–12 feet in height with open top, affording practically no shade. Many of them contained three or four nests placed 2–5 feet above the surface of the water. Many of the nests contained eggs. When we approached to use our cameras the birds were all perched close together on the bushes but before we could get any very satisfactory pictures they took alarm and nearly all flew off. News were 12–15 inches across. 

Late in the evening we started for Ocotlan but the wind stopped blowing and we were becalmed until late in the night. The wind which came up toward morning was not very favorable but we made fairly good progress toward Ocotlan.