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the surface of the water. Several passed within a few feet of my head.
Tringa minutilla.  Several flocks were seen.
Gallinago delicata  Several were flushed among grass and weeds near the edge of the marsh, and about 5 P.M. when on our way home on horseback we passed within a few yards of one standing in plain sight in open ground with his bill under his wing and apparently asleep.
Pelecanus erythrorhynchus. Several flocks were seen flying.
Chen  (wh. goose)  Several large flocks were seen. They alight to feed in certain places and are much quieter than the White-Fronted Goose.
Anser  (wh. Fronted)  Thousands of birds were seen. They were constantly flying about in huge flocks and in small parties and even pairs and single birds. They alighted in long lines on the marshy and nearly bare ground separating areas covered with open water. These are apparently regular feeding-grounds and the grass is cropped close. The birds were very restless. Some frequently flew off while others came and alighted with the flock. While on the ground some of the birds frequently stood up very straight and spread and flapped their wings. Often five or six would be doing this at the same time. I estimated one flock to contain at least 2000 birds. It was a fine sight when Mr. N. came toward them in a canoe and the whole flock took to flight.
Jan. 9. Remain at La Barca.
Nearly the entire day was spent in making up specimens secured yesterday.
Chen.  A native hunter brought in a large and a small white goose which we made up. Whether they belong to the same or different species remains to be determined.
Chordules  Yesterday several were seen flying, late in the evening, over the Mezquite-covered plain near the town. One was brought in this evening by a native hunter. 
Speotyto. hyp.   A specimen was brought in this evening by a native hunter.
The weather has been threatening for several days and it has sprinkled a little several times. This afternoon it began sprinkling and a rain of five drops fell

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