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Zamora. Michoacan.
Jan. 10.

all the evening.

The following were noted at La Barca.

Duck Hawk, Black stilt, Macrorhamphus, Ajaja ajaja, Greater Yellow Legs, Numenius longirostris, Stelgidopteryx serrapennis, Urubitinga anthracina, Buteo borealis, Bubo, Tringa minutilla, Gallinago delicata, Clangula albeola, Pelecanus erythrorhynchus, Grus mexicana, Ohen (wh. goose.), Anser (wh. fronted), 

Jan. 10, 

We left La Barca soon after noon and travelled by train to Zamora, Michoacan where we arrived about 4:30 P.M.
Road: along the road from Yurecuaro to Zamora, marshes of considerable extent were seen. Several fields of winter wheat several inches high were seen along the road. 

The rain continued all day today. 

Ardea egretta. In a marsh passed this afternoon along the road from Yurecuaro, about a dozen birds were seen, scattered about in one place. 

Zamora is a large town, situated in a broad valley containing much valuable farming land. 

Jan. 11. Remain at Zamora. 

In the morning Mr. Nelson and I went on a horse car line about three miles, in a southerly direction from Zamora to a suburb called Jacona to look at the country near the border of the valley at that point.  The hills near Jacona are of broken lava, at least on the surface, but even some of the lava strewn slopes are marshy at least at this season.  Water appears on the surface among the rocks, and swamp grasses and other aquatic vegetation is abundant.  The bottom of the valley is marshy in many places.

Silk Cotton Tree "Pochote".  Common on well-drained slopes of the rocky hills.

Pithecolobium dulce.  Not uncommon in the valley.

Tree Ipomea.  Abundant on the drier parts of the rocky hills.

Bananas are grown successfully in gardens a Jacona.

Coffee. Thrives in small quantities in gardens at Jacona.

Sugarcane. Small fields are grown near Zamora and Jacona.

Catherpes mexicanus.  Very common about the houses at Zamora and Jacona.