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vicinity of the lake.
Jan. 17 Zamora, Michoacan.
Returned from Guaracha to Zamora, having failed to find the mules and horses.
Spermophilus variegatus. Rather common in the stone walls along the road. Two were shot for specimens.
Jan. 18. Remained at Zamora.
Went out to the high, rocky hill near Jacona and spent the day resetting and taking care of traps.
Jan. 19–20 Remained at Zamora.
Still trapping on hill near Jacona.
Reithrodontomys___ a specimen of a large species was caught at the base of a rock in a thicket on the slope of the rocky hill.
Geococcyx californianus. One was seen standing on its branch of a tree about 20 feet from the ground. The tree rose from a dense thicket on a steep hillside near Jacona. The bird stood up rather straight, with the tip of its bill elevated and its tail hanging downward and was uttering the characteristic hoarse croaking note. Soon it spread its wings and tail and sailed down the hillside. 
The following mammals were noted or collected at Zamora. Nelsonia, Baiomys - Peromyscus , Putorius  , Spermophilus variegatus [[strikethrough]], [[/strikethrough] Reithrodontomys  ,
Birds. The following were noted or collected at Zamora, Michoacan. Thryomanes , Pipilo fuscus , Tyrannus verticalis, Scardafella inca, Spizella pallida, Dendroica auduboni, Sturnella, Pyrocephalus r mex, Melospiza lincolni, Polioptila, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, Lanius, Sylvania, Ardea virescens, Sporophila torquata, Astragalinus mexicanus, Toxostoma curvirostris, Guiraca c eurhyncha, Solpinctis obsoletus, Minis polyglottos, Chondestes g. strigalus, Corvus sinnatus
Jan. 21
I left Zamora by rail early in the morning and joined Mr. Nelson at La Barca, shortly before noon. He has been having good success collecting birds. During the afternoon I made a  trip out to the Hda. Of Buena Vista to look for pack mules but did not find any. 
While there, at one of the haciendas I saw a bird that had been kept there for a number of years until it has become quite tame. When I approached the bird was standing, poised on one leg, with its head bent sidewise and backward, so that its

Transcription Notes:
Too many [[?]] A lot of mistakes. Had to reopen to fix so many on the second page.