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Protestant Episcopal Freedman's Commission,
10 Bible House, New York.

New York, April 15th 1867

R.M. Manly Esq
Supertendent &c

Dear Sir
Yours of the 11th is just received in reply. we regret to be obliged to say that for the present at least the Commission do not feel warranted in extending or adding to the Corps of Teachers now in the field--and this simply for want of funds,-their being as this time as many as can be sustained.
We hope however that Contributions may be such - that at no distant day, we may more favorably answer this as also many similar applications. Dr. Smith is now absent from the city - on his return will call his attention to the Communication of Maj. Stone - that he may provide it to you
Very Respectfully
T. Brinton Smith - 
Per - Ed. Yeng