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No. 30 Vesey Street.
(Late National Freedman's Relief Association.)

FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW. - - -  President. 
CRAMMOND KENNEDY, - Corresponding Sec'y. 
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, - - - Treasurer. 
E. C. ESTES - - - - Business Agent.

HENRY A. DIKE, - Chairman Executive Com 
GEORGE C. WARD, - Chairman Finance Com
J. M. McKIM, - - Chairman Teacher's Com

New York, May 11th. 1867

Dear Mr Manly:- Your favors of the 8th inst. are at hand. As we are unable to do more in supplying the freedmen with books than to furnish the, for our schools, and have many such appeals as yours, I have taken the liberty of sending it to Dr. Lear's, who might use part of the gift of the Messrs Appleton as you indicate. I shall try to be with you before the close of the school year, but as I am going to Chicago, I cannot go south before the middle of June.
Many thanks for your kind hints - your evident disposition to congratulate me if I give authority to the reports which have reached you. There must be some foundation for the belief that I am fortunate for Mr. Beecher said to me last evening: "The Lord has been gracious to you"
Cordially Yours,
Crammond Kennedy.