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believe it to be for the purpose avoiding another exposition of unladylike conduct towards those who have been engaged with her in the school - the ladies now here came one month ago and are deservin of staying until the end of the present month - and being allowed to teach the children under their charge - as heretofore - I think they should be allowed to do so

There is a school near the county seat for freedmen taught by a Herbert A Wicker a citizen of this state he is a minister of the gospel and a worthy man - his wife is the only assistant he has - the charge made for tuition is one dollar per month for each school as the number of pupils is between thirty and forty

Book and assistance from the Govmt or some charitable society is much required - Mr and Mrs Wicker should be assisted in the good work they have entered upon. Notwithstanding the prejudice existing against them - they are going nobly forward -

I trust this school may be assisted in some way

I am Capt
Your Obdt Servant
G B Carse
Bt. Col. V.R.C.