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  The Friends' Freedmen's Association of this city intend to reopen several schools under their care in North Carolina and at Danville, Virginia, on the first Second-day (the 2d) of Ninth Month next, and those on the Peninsula of Virginia on the first Second-day (the 4th) of Eleventh Month; and punctuality on the part of all the teachers who may be engaged is particularly desired.
  It is the wish of the Committee in charge, to establish and conduct at each of the principal centres of colored population within the above districts a well-graded school, of which a normal class will, wherever practicable, form a prominent feature. There should be about ten such schools, the number of pupils in each ranging from 150 to 300.
  To secure the success of this effort, each school must be furnished with a principal teacher, thoroughly qualified by education and experience in teaching to conduct a school of the class designated; and the Committee are especially desirous of availing themselves of the services of God-fearing persons who will labor conscientiously for the welfare of those committed to their charge.
  While they desire to conduct these schools with economy, and a proper regard for the trust which they have assumed, they expect to remunerate justly all who may be engaged to teach; and would encourage application for positions from any who feel willing to engage in the work, who are possessed of the qualifications required.
  This invitation is extended alike to persons of both sexes, white and colored. Only persons of evangelical belief will be accepted.
  In addition to the several principals, one or more assistant teachers will be required for each school.
  Applications should be addressed as early as convenient to M.E. Shearman, Actuary, No. 501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia.
  Copies of the last Annual Report of the Executive Board (just issued) may be had by application to the Actuary.

                                             J. WISTAR EVANS, Chairman,
                                        YARDLEY WARNER,
Committee on Appointment of Teachers. 

PHILADELPHIA, Sixth Month,1867.