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[[Heading]] Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Raleigh, N.C. June 10, 1867 [[/Heading]]

Rev. R. M. Manly,
Supt. of Education Virginia,

Dear Sir,
Your favor was duly and cordially rec'd. On the 21st ult. I ivisited the Freedmen's School at Danville - was deeply interested in witnessing the efficient superintendence and excellent working of the School, but was exceedingly annoyed by the noise of carpenters engaged in labor in the upper story of the building. The mingled sounds of constant sawing, hammering and chopping were such a serious disturbance to the exercises below as to amount, in my judgment, to an insupportable nuisance. It was a marvel to me to find evidences of so good a school in the midst of such confusion above, which, I was informed, was a constant affliction.
I should be happy to meet you and compare notes. I called at your office in February of last year, while you were absent. Our work is progressing well in this State - is largely in advance of last year.
Yours fraternally,
F. A. Fiske
Supt of Education

{L.-B. vol. 3 p. 154}