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The American Baptist Home Mission Society solicits your hearty co-operation, your liberal contributions, and your effectual and fervent prayers. Any Baptist Church that pays Ten Dollars can be represented by a delegate at the annual meeting; Thirty Dollars will constitute you or your friend a Life Member; and One Hundred Dollars a Life Director. Give as you love your country. Give as you love Christ. Give as Christ gave for you. Give while you live; and before you die say in your Will: "I give and bequeath to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, formed in the City of New York in eighteen hundred and thirty-two, the sum of......dollars for the purposes of the Society." 
The following table will show the constant growth of our work during the past five years:

[11 Columned Table]

| For the year ending | Receipts. | Missionaries. | Baptisms. | Sermons Preached. | Families Religiously Visited. | Addition to the Church. | Prayer-Meetings Attended. | Churches Organized. | Meet'g-house Erected. | Children in Sabbath School. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| March 31, 1863 | $35,383 67 | 96 | 494 | 7208 | 12,248 | 764 | 4,358 | 17 | 4 | 5,060 |
| March 31, 1864 | 60,355 69 | 173 | 892 | 12,525 | 26,036 | 1,343 | 4,769 | 36 | 12 | 14,540 |
| March 31, 1865 | 105,309 65 | 248 | 2,134 | 17,268 | 40,171 | 3,668 | 5,199 | 57 | 14 | 22,021 |
| March 31, 1866 | 119,870 85 | 327 | 4,151 | 22,558 | 56,778 | 6.550 | 12,792 | 89 | 19 | 23,661 |
| March 31, 1867 | 176,899 08 | 367 | 7,236 | 31,679 | 81,133 | 11,101 | 18,902 | 132 | 31 | 38,713 |

American Baptist Home Mission Rooms,
No. 39 PARK ROW.
New York, June 14, 1867

Col. O. Brown
Supt A-R. &c

My dear Sir
Our Board at their meeting have decided not to increase the number of their day Schools. They will continue present ones where the interests of religion or of missions, demand it

As to Richmond we have had less hold there the past year owing to the conduct of the would be pastor Our future Schools in Richmond will depend on circumstances as they shall develope in Dr Culvers school &c. Miss Howe he says goes into it with him probably the pastor will not favor our occupying the house after she leaves it and so this school will be discontinued by us. I very much doubt whether after the present term we shall continue in Richmond more than one School Success to those who do more & better

Yours &c  J.S. Backus
[[margin]]I have delayed only for the Board to act. &c [[/margin]]