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which it is impossible for us to do otherwise. And we cannot overestimate the importance of gaining access to this class, for if there are any benighted and deluded portions of the country, they are those situated as it were from the cities the centres of enlightenment. These teachers will have to be supported by the Gov't, or some Association, for the colored people are not in a condition to maintain them now. 

While they, (the Whites) are so bitterly opposed to educating the colored people, yet I think it is working out a great good, for it has a tendency to stimulate the whites to make some provision for the education of their own children, which at present they are not receiving.

The education of these people is, I think, the only means of thoroughly reconstructing the South. And until popular education becomes the order of the day, the rebellious spirit of the South will continue to manifest itself in various forms.

I have written this hastily, and have not time to give it proper thought.

The transportation tickets for our teachers have come and many thanks for your prompt attention in sending them

Very Respectfully
James M. Stradling