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CRAMMOND KENNEDY, - Corresponding Sec'y}
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, - - - Treasurer}
E.C. ESTES, - - - - Business Agent}
FRANCIS GEORGE SHAW, - - President. 
{HENRY A. DIKE, - Chairman, Executive Com.
{GEORGE C. WARD, - Chairman, Finance Com. 
{J.M. McKim, - - - Chairman, Teacher's Com.
No. 30 Vesey Street,
New York, June 27th 1867

My dear Mr. Manly: I have had a letter from Mrs. E.D. Cheney of Boston to which I had replied in regard to our conversation with Miss Canedy about the Normal School. The former would like the latter to occupy the position which we offered to her, if she could hold it as a representative and employe of the NE Branch; but we are of the opinion that the Institution should be under one management, and that, as Miss C's. opportunity for doing good would be enlarged the Auxiliary society that sustains her should bid her god=speed, and choose another teacher. The work is one. 
There is to be a conference in Boston on the 11th. prox., which we wish you would attend. The subject for discussion will be how to induce cooperation on the part of the colored people. My opinion is that graded pay schools, with a limited attendance, should be established in all the large cities, to break down the inferior pay Schools, and accustom the freedmen to give as well as to receive.