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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abd Lands
3rd Div 4th Sub Dist
Charlottesville Va July 22nd 1867

I have the honor to state that N Clay Harris a young colored man residing in Scottsville in this County is teaching a school at that place, and desires assistance, as the people are very poor and unable to procure Books, and he is unable to furnish them.

He desires 25 Rays 2nd Part Arithmt'c, 25 Prmry Grammar (Pinas). 25 1st & 2nd McDuffy's Readers, 25 Elementary Spelling Book, 25 Websters School Dictionary. He of course will accept what he can get. In this connection I respectfully recommend that a school be established at Scottsville and Harris employed as Teacher  His school numbers 60 and yet he hardly receives enough to buy him food. A school is as much need, there as at any place and will do a great deal of good and he is competent enough to carry it on.

I am Most Respfy Your Obt Sert
A.F. Higgs
Lieut 16th US Infty & Asst Comer.

Major W.R. Morse
S A Commr' &c