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of justice and the Editors of the Richmond press to heap upon a woman whose only sin is the loyalty they now profess to feel. 

Last July, whilst I was ill with Typhoid fever, Mrs. Rush, a lady who lives with me, wrote to my then Confessor, Rev. Father Weed. He returned her letter with one to me, and one to General Schofield. As the letter to Gen. S. was desired for you, and written to Gen. S., by mistake, I hope you will not hesitate to read it. Hoping you will do me the honor to overlook the papers accompanying, I lay the whole correspondence before you with the request that you will allow me a short interview tomorrow, if my health will permit me to wait upon you.

Praying you to forgive me this very tedious note, I am Sir,

Most Respectfully and
Obediently Yours,
Mrs Cadwallader