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CRAMMOND KENNEDY, - Corresponding Sec'y
JOSEPH B. COLLINS, - - - Treasurer 
E. C. ESTES, - - - - Business Agent }
| Francis George Shaw - - President | { HENRY A. DIKE, - Chairman Executive Com.
GEORGE C. WARD, - " Finance "
J. M. McKIM, - - - " Teacher's "
No. 30 Vesey Street.
New York. Sept. 23rd 1867

Dear Mr Manly - Yours of the 21st inst. is at hand. My indorsements on the inclosed cost me much pain, but they must stand as they are.

Miss Howe hesitates to accept our offer, partly because she thinks that Miss Hancock wants the position. Mrs. Amelia Walker "backs out" and Miss Mattis Birge walks in. My opinion is that we shall gain by the change. 
Miss Jane M. Lynch, a pretty good colored teacher of considerable experience, will assist Miss A.B. Hancock, who writes to me that owing to the illness of her aunt she cannot be at her house by the 1st proximo.
Gen. Balloch wrote to me that he owned pay our claim for use of school buildings in Richmond, but wanted it done where it belonged. So I have applied to Gen. Brown.

Cordially yours,
Crammond Kennedy
Cor. Sec.