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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub-District,   Virginia. 

Staunton, Va. Oct. 2nd 1867

Rev. R. M. Manly
Sup Education State of Va.


Your communication of Sep 19 has had attention but I could not give a satisfactory reply as there was some difficulty in the way of procuring a School Room on proper terms. The Trustees of M.E. Church have now given consent to use of basement for school purposes if B.R.F+AL will expend $100 on school fixtures [?] of sent for the season and in my Sept. report I respectfully [?] such appropriation be made and now I ask your assistance in securing this and teachers.  If but one can be sent by all means send a gentleman We want a teacher who can go out among the poor and "make them come in."  Mr. Brackett when he so was much in doubt whether her principal could spare teachers here, but the field is too large.  the in-