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American Missionary Association: 
Rooms, 53 John Street, New-York. 
Rev. George Whipple, N. Y. 
Rev. M. E. Strieby, N. Y. 
Rev. J. R. Shipherd, Chicago 
} Sec's 

Rev. E. N. Kirk., D.D., Boston, Mass. 

E. Ketchum, Esq., Treasurer, N.Y. 
W. E. Whiting, Esq., Asst. Treas., N.Y. 
Rev. E.P. Smith, Gen. Field Agent, N.Y. 

New York, Nov. 20 1867

Colonel R. Manly
Superintendent of Education
Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, VA

Dear Sir,

The application of S. F. Maddox Registering Officer at Powhattan C.H. for Freedman teacher Sept. 16th for'd from yr office, we were not able to fill at the time, but can now probably send the teacher & Freedmen combined.  A young man from Buffalo of this M. E. Ch.  is ready to go - I have telegraphed Mr. Maddox but got no reply -
Can you inform me of the state of things there?  Have you any other parish where such a man & his wife could go & raise a partial support for the Col people?
An early reply will greatly oblige
Very respectfully
Yr Obt Servant
Edw P. Smith