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The American Baptist Home Mission Society Solicits your hearty co-operation, your liberal contributions, and your effectual and fervent prayers. Any Baptist church that Pays Ten Dollars can be represented by a delegate at the annual meeting; Thirty Dollars will constitute you or your friend a Life Member; and one hundred Dollars a Life Director. Give as you love your country. give as you love Christ. give as Christ gave for you. Give while you live; and before you die say in your Will: "I gave and bequeath to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, formed in the City of New York in eighteen hundred and thirty-two, the sum of ..... dollars for the purposes of the Society". The following table will show the constant growth of our work during the past five years:

[[11 columned table]]
| For the year ending | Receipts. | Missionaries. | Baptisms. | Sermons Preached. | | Families Religiously Visited. | Addition to the Church. | Prayer-Meetings Attended. | Churches Organized. | Meet'g-houses Erected. | Children in Sabbath School. |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| March 31, 1863.... | $ 35,383 67 | 96 | 494 |  | 7,208 | 12,248 | 764 | 4,358 | 17 | 4 | 5,060 
| March 31, 1864.... | 60,355 69 | 173 | 892 |  | 12,525 | 26,036 | 1,343 | 4,696 | 36 | 12 | 14,540 |
| March 31, 1865.... | 105,309 65 | 248 | 2,134 | 17,268 | 40,171 | 3,668 | 5,190 | 57 | 14 | 22,021 | 
| March 31, 1866.... | 119,870 85 | 327 | 4,151 | 22,558 | 56,778 | 6,550 | 12,792 | 89 | 19 | 23,661 | 
| March 31, 1867.... | 176,899 08 | 367 | 7,236 | 31,679 | 81,113 | 11,101 | 18,902 | 132 | 31 |  | 38,713 |

American Baptist Home Mission Rooms, 
No. 39 PARK ROW.
New York, Dec 4, 1867

Chaplain Manley 
Richmond Va

My Dear Bro
You have ever thrown yourself so willing to do for our teachers and so successful in doing that I take the liberty of forwarding to you the enclosed Bills of Expenses.
These are experienced and excellent Teachers 
Miss Bartlett has reported her large school to the Bureau for the last month we have sent Miss Lewis to assist her
Miss Julia M. Bartlett & Miss E. Elisa Lewis have been each duly appointed by the American Baptist Home Mission Society by which Society they are supported
The Society unites with the Teachers in asking the Bureau to refund their expenses to the field - Yours in the works
J. S. Backus