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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Hd. Qrs. 6th Sub. Dist: Dist of Va
Alexandria, Va January 7th 1868

Rev R. M. Manly
Asst Supt. of Education Dist of Va 
Richmond, Va


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Check for $31.05/100 for the payment of Robert L Mitchell and Misses Nickens,Phenix and Warren for month of Dec. 1868.  The vouchers for Miss Warren should have been dated from Piedmont, Va., and for Mitchell from Hillsborough.  Mr. Mitchell was here when the account was made out.  I have always made these accounts out in my office from the school reports,so as to avoid mistakes; and heading them from Alexandria, Va. was a clerical error.  I have not yet received all of the school reports, but hope to get them so as to enable me to forward my consolidated and other reports by the 10th inst:.  The teachers in the country are very negligent in sending their reports, and very often I have to write two or three times before I get them.  I have several applications for assistance to pay teachers: can I promise any more help from the 25¢.
