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Richmond January 18.' 1868

Rev. Mr Manly

Sir. Can you do me the 
favor to answer the following questions? 
1st. Are the New England "Free Schools" 
absolutely free as to tuition? 2nd How is 
the money raised for their support? 3 Is 
there any poll-tax in N. England, & how 
appropriated if any? 4 Is there any 
where compulsion used to make parents 
send their children to school, as in Prussia? 
5 Are children of all colors indiscrimi-
nately admitted to the New England 

Having no reliable information 
on some of these points, I have taken the 
liberty of addressing these inquiries to 
you, who can, probably, give me the inform-
ation, and, in our only interview, talked 
like a reasonable + moderate man. An 
answer of your earliest convenience 
will oblige

Yours Respectfully
Geo. E. Dabney