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W. 107 R.F.+A.L. Va. 1st Vol. 1868
W. 51 R.F.+A.L. 11th S.D. Va. 1868
Halifax C.H. Va.
January 23rd 1868.

Waldron, Arnie B.
Principal Freedmens School.

States that it is necessary that a building should be erected for church and school purposes at Halifax Court House. The room now used as Freedman's school at that place is in a dump, unhealthy situation, +c. The freedmen will contribute as liberally as it is possible for them to do but they can do comparatively little when it is considered what is to be done. Trusts that the Bureau will make an appropriation +c.
Bureau R.F.+A.L. Head Qrs 11th Sub Dist Va.
Farmville Va. February 20th 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Brig Genl O. Brown Asst Commr Bureau R.F. + A.L. Dist. of Va.
Jno W Jordan
Sub Asst Comr
Bureau R.F.+A.L.

E.B. p. 23}
Vol. 1 1868}

Rec'd 11th S.D. Va. Feby 19th 1868