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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, January 24th 1868

Revd. R. M. Manley
Supt. of Education,
Richmond Va.

Dear Sir,
There may appear to you a  little discrepancy in our present School blanks. The revised teachers form (No.3) is more minute on some points (in view of teachers of less intelligence), than the Superintendents form. The Register is, for the same reason also somewhat fuller. But you will perceive that all queries have reference only to columns of spaces in your (No.1) form, where all the answers can, without confusion be readily condensed.
The new form for Sub. Asst. Commissioners, and Agents (No.4) will be returned to your Head-quarters, greatly aiding you as well as the Asst. Commissioners