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Alexandria Va.
Feb. 9th 1868
Rev. R. Manly
Dear sir; yours of Feb 5th I received on Saturday and take pleasure in being able to give any information concerning the matter and hope it will prove satisfactory. Both of the colored teachers you mentioned taught in the Falts St. school where I teach previous to my coming but on the first of January there were changes made in the schools and I took Miss Phenix room while Miss Coit took Miss Heickens scholars into her room and Miss Phenix for an assistant [[no period noted]] Miss Coits average for last month was 92 and Miss Phenix was to take half of that number for her average I know this for Miss Coit rooms with me and I have access to her register when I choose to. Miss Phenix is doing very nicely [[ strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] as an assistant