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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Alexandria, Va., February 21st 1868

Rev. R.M. Manly
Richmond, Va.,


In reply to your communication of the 18th inst. asking for a sketch of the History and Character of the schools reported as "Normal", I have the honor to report that one of the Schools so reported, is taught by Miss C.L. Orton. It became a Normal class one year ago. The course of Studies are limited to Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Composition, and Teaching, into which last the pupil is instructed by actual practice, under the surveillance of the Principal. The other known as the "Beulah School" is taught by one Principal, and five assistants. Viz: Rev. C. Robinson, Prin: and Rev. Messrs. J.M. Dawson, H. Blair, Wm. H. Banks, S.W. Brooks, and J. Thomas, Assistants. The Course of studies are, viz: Spelling, Reading, Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Composition, English criticism on English Reading, - Theological Dept. - Biblical Reading, Natural, Controversial, Polemic and Special Theology.

I Remain, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
S.P. See
Capt. & Bvt. Lt.Col. U.S.A.
Sub. Asst. Com'r.