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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
HEAD QUARTERS, 3d Division 11th Sub-District Virginia, 
Boydton, Va. March 31st 1868

Rev R M Manly
Supt Education
Dear Sir:
Your's of the 26th is before me. You ask if I made an application for transportation. No Sir, but through this Sub Dist & Genl Browns (District) Hd Qrs. Thank you for your personal letter to Genl Supt Rev J W Alvord. I am anxious that the colored people here should have school's, as it is the only hope that I can have of their redemption as a class. I hope to have four or five Sunday Schools organized as soon as the weather will permit. I have forwarded three sett's of leases for the rent of School rooms in this County. After the first Eight months I can rent the rooms for three Dollars each as the rent I ask now includes the fitting up of the rooms by the persons renting to me. There is no doubt but there will be twice as many scholars at each school as a teacher can take. And the Colored people have now nearly as much money raised as