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Speedwell P.O. Va
Apl. 28

Julia E. Kyle

Speedwell P.O. 4th Mo. 28th 1868-

Respected Friend
Chaplain Manly

I received a letter by last mail from George Dixon in reply to one I wrote him asking for assistance in defraying the expenses incurred by the school for the Freedmen they have a Building say 18 by 20 ft at $25. rent per year & a Teacher at $15. per mo. with only 18 regular scholars - they require them to pay a certain amt to defray this expense is one reason the school is so small for there are no.'s of families living in the neighbourhood who have large families - those of them too small to go out to work consequently are in idleness & roaming about - and all the father can do to provide meat and bread and scanty enough at that - one other reason 