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I would endeavor to procure books to and find teachers. If you can send me some children's papers only for next Sabbath it will be a stimulus as an earnest something will be done and if you will so far oblige me as not to disappoint my promise entirely I assure you I will leave no stone unturned to bring these poor children to a knowledge of their Christian duties- I am saddened at the aspect of affairs here. The white citizens as a class culpably neglect their duty to the colored children and too many of the parents of these children are mauled by designing vagabonds who have obtained such hold upon their passions and prejudices that I tremble for results. Would there had been here in the past some one who would boldly have administered, in time, an antidote to the insidious poison that property would be acquired without labor, that office could be held without intelligence, that elevation of position could be gained without elevation of character - But regrets for the past are fruitless - we must address ourselves to the