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Speedwell P.O. Va.
6th Mo 19th/68

Respected Friend

I received thy acceptable communication of the 13th and am truly glad that the Freedmen can get the assistance thou mentions.  Please unless they as get more from some source the school will have to be discontinued although they seem to be ambitious and say they will keep up the school.  $144 per year is a considerable sum for poor people with large families to raise extra.  I was mistaken in the salary of the Teacher when I wrote thee - it is $12. per  mo.  There is 3 Mo. rent now due.  The house belongs to my Husband and he intends to give them the rent to help pay their Teacher.  Our Sabath School continues to flourish and hope much good may be the result.  I trust the poor creatures have the prayers of all good people.  All 

Rent per Mo. $2.08 1/3
Arrears of Rent are $6.25