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Washington, June, 1868.
In connection with the Constitution of the "Howard Fraternal Union" printed herewith, we wish to say with a few words to our friends, and deem it proper to state to the public that the "Union" and its object is heartily endorsed by the two Methodist General Conferences lately in session in this city; also by the representave colored men of the country.  The following distinguished gentlemen are among the non-resident member of the Board of Directors:-Bishops D. A. Payne, J. W. Logan, J. J. Clinton, Rev. Henry H. Garnett, Fred. Douglass, Esq., J M. Langston, Esq., Major M. R. Delany, and Hon. F. L. Cardoza.
General Howard has given his right arm in the cause of freedom. On almost every battle-field of the long and bloody civil war he was present, offering his life freely in his country's cause.  When the war was over, because of his humanity, his high Christian character, and that spirit of self-sacrifice which has ever distinguished him, he was chosen and appointed by the martyred Lincoln to aid our so long downtrodden race to rise from among their broken fetters and demonstrate their ability to stand up as men among men. The whole world knows how nobly he has borne himself; how without fear or reward he was labored, in season and out of season, in his mission. Not to recognize his worth were to dishonor ourselves.
We have placed the amount of contribution to the fund asked of each person at the lowest figure, (one cent,) so that every one-man, woman, and child-who has shared in the benefits his toils have bestowed may also share in this token of our regard. All who desire to give more than one cent may constitute themselves representatives of as many persons as they choose, and give accordingly.
For particulars as to our plan we refer to the Constitution of our Union. The Union is fully organized, with Captain O.S.B Wall as President; Rev. D. W. Anderson, Vice President; John H. Cook, Secretary; and William J. Wilson, treasurer.
Please go forward at once and invite the people-men, women, and children-throughout your vicinity to assemble in their churches, Sabbath-schools, day-schools, political organizations, literary societies, or otherwise, and without further organization contribute their "mites," and transmit them through their present officers.
All moneys may be sent by Post Office order or draft to our Treasurer, William J. Wilson, cashier Freedman's Bank, Washington, D.C. The amount received, and from whom, will be published from time to time.
O.S.B. Wall, President.
J.H. Cook Secretary