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to get money under false pretenses. The manner of Mr. Spence added very much to my suspicions. He didn't want any "[[?]] and [[?]]" on the part of the Bureau. He was apparently disposed to "bully me into paying over the money at once". Finding that unavailing he appealed to my sympathy for the child itself white union soldiers killed in battle; and manifested for more interest in their welfare than in that of the colored children. However natural that feeling might be I considered that the Bureau funds were intended to benefit the Colored children & "refugees," and still inclined to pay [[them something]]. I then told him that if his Post would meet and [[reassure?]] their objections stated in my reply to him (quoted by Mr. Romo, I would either pay up or refer the matter to you. This remark of Mr. Spence about one member of the Board using his influence [[?]] of the Bureau is disingenuous and false, so far as   

Transcription Notes:
5/16 best effort. Generally one ? for one word, or for completing a word, or for the word itself.