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Letters Sent  1868

P  Q

[[3 Columned Table]]
| To whom Addressed | No of Letters | Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | ---|
| Ogden, Prof. John | 51 | Concerning transportation of pupils. |
| Ogden, Prof. John | 79 | Endorse transportation orders to 24.127, 124.128 |
| Ogden, Prof. John | 82 | Endorse transportation orders to 24.129, 24.130 & 24.131
| Ogden, Prof. John | 87 | Endorse transportation orders to 24.136 & 24.137
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 1 | In regard to the  letter of J.H.Barnum |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 23 | In regard to 20 Copies school reports.  |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 24 | In regard to report called for in "(in letter" [[?]] |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 25 | In regard to establishing a soup House in Memphis. | 
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 37 | In regard to [[?]] of Genl. Howard, the 5th inst. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 42 | In regard to com'n of Mrs Canfield & Mr. Waiters |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 45 | Concerning copies of "Newspapers. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 47 | Concerning the discharge of one of his clerks |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 50 | Calling attention to Letter of 23d inst relative to a report concerning the Orphan Asylum | 
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 55 | In regard to the No & class of person to whom clothing was issued [[?]] ending Jany. 31/68. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 56 | Acknowledges receipt of report of costs of furniture & the purchasing of rations. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 63 | In regard to the property of W.H. Johnson |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 67 | In regard to the application of Mrs C. F. Treat, Col'd | 
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 77 | In regard to the discontinuance of the issuing of rations |
| Papendieck  R. Disb. O. | 80 | Must have wider shutters [[?]] (1 repaired} |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 85 | Concerning the report of W.H. Brown Esqr. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 88 | In regard to the building constructed by the Bureau |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 89 | Concerning Dewitt Stearns, Esqr. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 93 | Concerning "Monthly report of the Bureau |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 95 | In regard to his visiting schools. |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 96 | In regard to application of J.Y. Himes |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 99 | Concerning the buildings in the City of Memphis |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 115 | In defense of Circular Letter issued |
| Palmer, Lt. Col. F. S. | 115 | May 4th 1868. |
| Poole, Mr. M. S. | 121. | Informs him that transpt'n has been issued |
| Palmer, Fred S. | 127 | Regarding the whereabouts of colored Soldiers. |
| Palmer, Fred S. | 139 | Forwards copy of endorsements | 
| Pledger, Stephen - | 142 | Concerning the $100. aid premises at Alexandria. }

Transcription Notes:
Papendieck - he is told to repair the shutters and fastenings on the windows - in this letter. They messed up Fred S. Palmer's Letter Number. The correct Letter No. should be 138, not 139. This is not a transcriber's fault. It is the clerk's mistake. No. 139 is Dr. Robt. McNeilly's letter.