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Letters Sent  1868

[[3 Columned Table]]
| To whom Addressed | No of Letters | Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Walker Bvt. Capt. Saml. | 5 | In regard to check No 359 for $46.00 |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Saml. | 7 | In regard to account of Jas. Regan |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Saml. | 10 | In regard to transportation of students |
| Wilson. Mr. John L. | 12 | In regard to school House of Johnsonville |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Samuel. | 38 | Authorizes an expenditure of $80.00) |
| Wilson John L. (Agt) | 39 | In reply to com'n of 5th inst the school at Johnsonville |
| Walker Bt. Capt. Saml. | 43 | Referring to report of month of Jany. |
| Wadkins Rev. Paul | 57 | Concerning the purchase of a lot in |
|   |   | Petersburgh, Tenn. by Samuel Sayers. |
| Walker Bvt Capt. Samuel [[(by tel.) | 61 | Requests him to come to Nashville Tenn. |
| Walsh Michl. Esq. | 66 | Appointment as special Agent. |
| Whipple W. G. General. | 69 | In regard to billing of Mr Lilliard |
| Whipple W. D. Genl. | 74 | Concerning Bvt Maj C.K. Frederick. |
| Woodward Miss Jennie | 76 | Transmits transp't'n. orders No 267. |
| Whipple, Genl. W. D. | 81 | In regard to the statement of Mr. Eastman |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Sam'l | 83 | Encloses transp't'n. orders No. 24,132 - 24,133 - 24,134 |
| Whipple Genl. W. D. | 84 | In regard to an article clipped from the Memphis Bulletin. |
| Wilson John L. (Agt.) | 90 | Concerning the making of a contract. |
| Walker Bvt Capt. Sam'l | 100 | Concerning report of schools for April '68., |
| Wilson John L (Agt.) | 103 | Acknowledges receipt of letter of 25" inst |
| Wilson John L (Agt.) | 103 | & regarding the employment of the Reillys |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Sam'l | 106 | In regard to aid for freedmen's |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Sam'l | 106 | schools at Rogersville, Tenn |
| Walker Bvt. Capt. Sam'l | 125 | Regarding the whereabouts of Colored soldiers. |
| Whipple, Bvt. Maj. Genl. W.D. | 132 | Request for an officer for Memphis. |
| Walker, Bvt. Capt. Sam'l | 136 | Repairs at East Port. Tenn - |
| Waters. Hon. W. | 140 | Aid for Watertown - |

Letters Sent  1868

[[3 Columned Table]]
| To whom Addressed | No of Letter | Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- | 

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