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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville, Jany. 8, 1868.

Walker, Bvt. Capt. Saml.
Sub-Asst. Commr.
Knoxville, Tenn.

The Assistant Commissioner directs that you recommend no more transportation for students 
desiring admissions to the Lookout Mountain Ed. Institutions; the limit to the number to be admitted under the conditions of Genl Howards letter promulgated in Circular letter from this office under date of Nov. 12th 1867. having been reached.
Transportation for Benj. F. & Alfred M McPherson, as requested in your communication of the 6th inst. will be forwarded today
I have the honor to be Captain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
S. W. Groesbeck
Lieut 42d Infty and A A A G

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville, Jany. 7, 1868.

Judd, Captain Geo. E.
Pulaski, Tenn.
(By Telegraph)
Your dispatch received. If Civil officers cant preserve the peace,  notify me and troops will be sent to Pulaski.
W. P. Carlin
Bvt. Maj. Genl U.S.A.
Asst. Commmr.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville,  Jany. 8. 1868.

Wilson Mr John L.
Agent &c.
Johnsonville, Tenn
Dear Sir:
In regard to that school house at Johnsonville. I wish to say that the $500.00 originally promised is about used up, or nearly so  If you, can't get active industrious Carpenters there let me know immediately, and I will send one or two down there who will work night and day till it is finished. When you have expended the $500.00 you should call the colored people together and tell them that they must finish it under your  supervision.  If you will assume authority to command them to go and work I think they will do it.
Very respectfully
Your Obedt Servt.
W. P. Carlin
Bvt Maj. Genl U.S.A.
Asst. Commr.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville, Jany. 9th 1868.

Carpenter, Rev. C. C.
Dear Sir:
Your letter of the 8th has been received. Understanding from it that you will charge only for the time during which children actually attend your school, I am willing that you should continue to receive all who apply till the number shall reach 100; giving preferences to those from the county districts.
Very respectfully,
Your obedt Servt.
W. P. Carlin
Bvt. Major General.