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objections in writing why they will not act and have same forwarded to this office for the information of the General.
I am, Captain,
Very respectfully
Your obdt Servt
(sigd) Michl Walsh
Sub Asst commr

W.H. Bower
Lieut and A A A Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville January 31st 1868

Johnston James M.
Agent Bu R F & A L
Chattanooga Tenn

Thro Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Knoxville

I am directed to transmit herewith an official copy of a report of the A.C. at Richmond, Va. also two copies of two letters from the Commissary General's Office relative to the establishment and general management of soup houses.
The Assistant Commissioner is of opinion that there can be no pressing necessity for an establishment of this kind at Chattanooga at least on a larger scale than can be readily sustained by the city or by private charity. If, however, he should be mistaken in this you will report the facts.
A Soup house has been established for the relief of the destitute in this city by the city authorities and has proved to be the most effective and at the same time the most economical plan yet devised for the purpose.
Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
J W Groesbeck
Lieut 42nd Infty A.A.A. Genl

34 -
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband Lands -
State of Tennessee -
Assistant Commissioners Office -
Nashville Feby 3rd 1868 -

Torbett Capt. F. H.
25th US Infantry
Comd'g M.S. Troops
Union City, Tenn.

Your letter of the 31st ult has been received. I will thank you to say to the Freedmen in charge of the building of the colored school house at Union City that I will give them the aid they ask for - Two Hundred Dollars - But it is contrary to the practice of the Bureau to direct it to any but an authorized Agent of the Bureau or to that parties known to be responsible. They can go on with the work, relying on the aid promised. If you will consent to receive the funds and disburse it taking regular vouchers I will have it forwarded to you. If not, I can send a Special Agent to attend to it.
I am Captain,
Very respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt,
W P Carlin
Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Commir.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Febry 6th 1868

Carlin, W. P. Bvt Major General
Asst. Commr. Tenn.
Cincinnati, Ohio

I have had a conference with Dr. Robt. McNeilly as to what is to be done with the Hospital under his charge. It is now full of patients and the Dr. informs me that the City has absolutely refused to assume the responsibility of their care after the 16th inst. - Mayor Alden I understand is now in Cin. where you can doubtless confer with him if you think advisable. Please inform me what is best to be done in the premises as Gen'l Bollock's letter sent you today, is silent on the subject. Under present orders, it will be an unauthorized institution after the 15th instant.
I have the honor to be General
Very respectfully your Obdt Servt
(Signed) S. W. Groesbeck
Lt. 42nd Infty & A.A.A.Genl

W. M. Bower
Lieut and A.A.A.G.


Transcription Notes:
W.H. Bower is in Nashville, Tennessee - in the Military - Found on Military Records. His name is listed right below that of another person seen in these records - Jos. GELRAY. S.W. Groesbeck -found in Tennessee on Military records as a Lieut. 42nd Inft.